1.
"I
wish
had
told
them
how
much
they
meant
to
me
before
it
was
too
late.
"
【遗憾】
2.
"If
only
had
taken
that
chance,
who
knows
where
I’d
be
now.
"
【错失良机】
3.
"Regret
is
a
heavy
burden
to
carry
for
a
lifetime.
"
【懊悔】
4.
"Life
is
too
short
to
live
with
regret.
"
【珍惜生命】
5.
"The
road
not
taken
can
haunt
you
forever.
"
【抉择之难】
6.
"Memories
of
what
could
have
been
are
often
the
most
painful.
"
【回忆痛苦】
7.
"The
things
we
don’t
do
are
often
the
ones
we
regret
the
most.
"
【未做之事】
8.
"Sometimes
the
things
we
think
aren’t
important
end
up
being
the
most
significant.
"
【珍惜细节】
9.
"I
never
realized
how
much
they
meant
to
me
until
they
were
gone.
"
【感慨】
10.
"There’s
no
way
to
go
back
and
change
the
past,
so
we
must
learn
to
live
with
the
consequences.
"
【改变命运】
11.
"The
greatest
tragedy
is
not
in
failing,
but
in
never
trying
at
all.
"
【勇于尝试】
12.
"The
fear
of
failure
can
hold
us
back
from
experiencing
life’s
greatest
joys.
"
【恐惧】
13.
"We
often
look
back
with
regret
at
the
things
we
were
too
afraid
to
do.
"
【胆小】
14.
"We
always
think
we
have
more
time,
until
we
don’t.
"
【时间有限】
15.
"The
things
we
take
for
granted
are
often
the
things
we
miss
the
most
when
they’re
gone.
"
【珍惜当下】
16.
"We
can’t
change
the
past,
but
we
can
learn
from
it
and
move
forward.
"
【向前看】
17.
"I
wish
had
taken
more
risks
and
stepped
out
of
my
comfort
zone.
"
【敢冒险】
18.
"The
greatest
adventures
are
often
found
outside
of
our
comfort
zone.
"
【追求冒险】
19.
"The
only
way
to
truly
live
life
to
the
fullest
is
to
embrace
life’s
adventure.
"
【活在当下】
20.
"Never
let
your
fear
of
failure
hold
you
back
from
pursuing
your
dreams.
"
【勇敢追梦】