1.
爱情需要倾注才能滋长,而非草草表达【Love
needs
to
be
nurtured
rather
than
expressed
hastily.
】
2.
欲追求永恒的爱情,就别贪恋短暂的表白【If
you
seek
everlasting
love,
don’t
be
fond
of
temporary
confessions.
】
3.
爱情不是场比赛,也不需要拼尽全力去表达【Love
isn't
a
competition,
and
it
doesn't
require
putting
all
your
efforts
into
expressing
it.
】
4.
爱情的内涵远比表达方式重要【The
connotation
of
love
is
far
more
important
than
the
way
it
gets
expressed.
】
5.
表示爱意只能是行动,而非简单的言语【Showing
love
can
only
be
through
actions,
not
by
mere
words.
】
6.
靠言语表达的爱情永远没有实际行动的爱情可贵【Love
expressed
through
words
is
never
as
valuable
as
love
expressed
through
action.
】
7.
不要用简单的字眼去描述复杂的感情【Don't
use
simple
words
to
describe
complex
emotions.
】
8.
爱情需要细心呵护,而不是粗心大意草率表达【Love
needs
careful
nurturing,
not
hasty
and
careless
expression.
】
9.
爱情的真谛在于感受,而不在于表达【The
essence
of
love
lies
in
feelings,
not
expressions.
】
10.
表达出来的爱情是表面的,真正有价值的是潜藏在内心的【Expressed
love
is
superficial,
and
the
real
valuable
love
lies
within
the
heart.
】
11.
深情表白并不等于深情厚爱【Expressing
love
profusely
doesn't
equate
to
loving
deeply.
】
12.
少说多做,让爱情在行动中闪耀【Let
actions
speak
louder
than
words
and
let
love
shine
through
actions.
】
13.
爱情并不需要言语的信誓旦旦,只需要沉淀在内心的感受【Love
doesn't
require
passionate
declarations,
just
feelings
nestled
in
the
heart.
】
14.
用语言表达的爱情比实践不来得珍贵【Love
expressed
through
words
is
less
precious
than
love
expressed
through
actions.
】
15.
真正的爱情需要的是无言的支持与默默的关注【True
love
requires
silent
support
and
quiet
attention.
】
16.
让爱情在内心燃烧,而不是简单地摆出一副热情洋溢的外表【Let
love
burn
within
the
heart
rather
than
merely
displaying
enthusiastic
fervor
outwardly.
】
17.
感受爱情的深度比用言语去形容更能印证其存在【Feeling
the
depth
of
love
confirms
its
existence
more
than
describing
it
with
words.
】
18.
爱情的真正含义在于默默的陪伴和理解,而非声嘶力竭的表达【The
true
meaning
of
love
lies
in
silent
companionship
and
understanding,
not
in
vociferous
expression.
】
19.
用行动与沉默表达的爱情比言语更为真实可贵【Love
expressed
through
actions
and
silence
is
more
genuine
and
valuable
than
love
expressed
through
words.
】
20.
爱情并不需要华丽的言辞,而只是内心深处的一种情感体验【Love
doesn't
require
grandiloquent
words,
just
a
feeling
experienced
deep
within
the
heart.
】