1.
Life
is
not
a
sprint,
it's
a
marathon.
Keep
going
and
don't
give
up.
【坚持不懈才能取得成功】
2.
Even
the
greatest
accomplishments
started
with
small
steps.
Keep
taking
those
steps
towards
your
goals.
【每一步都是成功的开始】
3.
Success
is
not
always
immediate,
but
persistence
will
get
you
there.
Keep
pushing
forward,
no
matter
how
slow
your
progress
may
seem.
【成功需要坚持不懈,不要放弃】
4.
It's
not
about
how
many
times
you
fall,
it's
about
how
many
times
you
get
back
up.
Keep
getting
up
and
keep
going.
【坚强不屈,勇往直前】
5.
Remember
why
you
started.
Let
that
be
the
motivation
to
keep
going,
even
when
it
gets
tough.
【记住初心,逐梦向前】
6.
Every
day
is
a
new
opportunity
to
make
progress
towards
your
goals.
Don't
waste
a
single
moment.
【珍惜每一天,为梦想而努力】
7.
Setbacks
are
just
lessons
in
disguise.
Learn
from
them
and
keep
moving
forward.
【挫折是人生的课程,勇敢面对并继续前进】
8.
Persistence
and
determination
are
the
keys
to
success.
Keep
those
keys
in
your
pocket
and
keep
going.
【坚韧和毅力是成功的关键】
9.
When
you
feel
like
giving
up,
remember
all
the
progress
you've
made
so
far.
Keep
pushing
and
you'll
be
amazed
at
how
far
you
can
go.
【不要放弃,回忆已取得的成绩,持续前行不断超越自己】
10.
Your
hard
work
and
determination
will
pay
off.
Just
keep
going
and
believe
in
yourself.
【坚定不移,勇敢追梦,收获成果的时刻就在不远处】
11.
Life
is
full
of
challenges,
but
you
are
stronger
than
them
all.
Keep
working
hard
and
you'll
overcome
any
obstacle.
【人生充满挑战,但你强大无比,努力拼搏,越过每一个障碍】
12.
Remember
that
success
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
Keep
taking
those
steps
and
you'll
get
there
in
due
time.
【成功之路漫长而不息,一步一个脚印,定能到达最终的目的地】
13.
Hard
work
and
perseverance
never
go
unnoticed.
Keep
striving
and
your
efforts
will
be
rewarded.
【艰辛付出和坚持不懈从不会被忽视,继续努力,你一定会获得回报】
14.
Dream
big
and
work
hard
towards
your
goals.
Anything
is
possible
if
you
believe
in
yourself
and
keep
going.
【心怀梦想,为之努力,相信自己,坚定不移,一切皆有可能】
15.
Don't
let
fear
or
doubt
hold
you
back.
Keep
pushing
yourself
outside
of
your
comfort
zone
and
you'll
see
amazing
results.
【不要让恐惧和怀疑阻挡前进的步伐,勇敢挑战自我,惊喜将不断涌现】
16.
It's
not
about
being
perfect,
it's
about
giving
it
your
all
and
never
giving
up.
Keep
striving
for
progress,
not
perfection.
【不要追求完美,只需尽全力,永不放弃,追求进步而非完美】
17.
Success
is
not
handed
to
you
on
a
silver
platter.
It's
earned
through
hard
work
and
persistence.
Keep
working
hard
and
success
will
come.
【成功不是天上掉下来的,而是通过努力和坚持赢得的,不懈努力,成功自旋而来】
18.
Give
yourself
credit
for
the
progress
you've
made,
but
also
stay
humble
and
keep
pushing
yourself.
There's
always
room
for
improvement.
【赞赏已获得的进步,保持谦逊,持续努力,成长不止】
19.
Your
hard
work
and
perseverance
will
inspire
others.
Keep
going
and
be
a
role
model
for
those
around
you.
【你的努力和执着将鼓舞他人,保持前行,成为周围人心目中的楷模】
20.
The
road
to
success
is
not
easy,
but
with
hard
work
and
determination,
it
is
achievable.
Keep
working
towards
your
goals
and
never
give
up.
【成功之路崎岖不平,但有勇气拼搏和坚定不移的决心,梦想必将实现】