1.
"Money
can
buy
you
diamonds,
but
not
true
love.
"
【爱情与钱无关】
2.
"Love
is
priceless,
yet
money
can
be
an
obstacle.
"
【价值连城的爱情,却常因金钱受阻】
3.
"A
relationship
built
on
money
will
never
stand
the
test
of
time.
"
【金钱堆砌的爱情,绝不经久不衰】
4.
"Money
can
make
you
comfortable,
but
only
love
can
make
you
truly
happy.
"
【金钱带来的是舒适,真正的幸福只有爱情可以给予】
5.
"Love
is
a
treasure
that
cannot
be
bought
with
money.
"
【爱情是用金钱无法买到的珍宝】
6.
"Money
may
attract
love,
but
it
cannot
sustain
it.
"
【金钱可以吸引爱情,但无法维持爱情】
7.
"In
the
battle
of
love
and
money,
love
should
always
be
the
winner.
"
【在爱情和金钱的斗争中,爱情应该永远是赢家】
8.
"Money
is
just
a
means
to
an
end,
but
love
is
the
end
in
itself.
"
【金钱只是达到某种目的的手段,而爱情才是目的本身】
9.
"Love
can
make
you
rich
in
ways
that
money
never
can.
"
【爱情可以让你拥有金钱无法给予的财富】
10.
"Money
can
buy
you
a
big
house,
but
not
a
home
filled
with
love.
"
【金钱可以买到一栋大房子,但无法买到充满爱的家庭】
11.
"Love
may
not
pay
the
bills,
but
it
makes
life
worth
living.
"
【爱情不一定能支付账单,但它让生活有了价值】
12.
"Love
is
not
about
what
you
have,
but
who
you
share
your
life
with.
"
【爱情不是你拥有什么,而是你与谁分享你的生活】
13.
"Money
can
spoil
a
relationship,
but
love
can
overcome
any
obstacle.
"
【金钱可以破坏一段关系,但爱情可以克服任何障碍】
14.
"Love
is
like
a
bank
account,
the
more
you
put
in,
the
more
you
get
out.
"
【爱情就像一笔银行账户,你存的越多,收获的也越多】
15.
"Money
can
buy
you
attention,
but
not
affection.
"
【金钱可以买到别人的关注,但无法买到他们的爱】
16.
"Love
is
not
measured
by
how
much
you
spend,
but
by
how
much
you
care.
"
【爱情不是用你花了多少钱来衡量的,而是用你有多在乎来衡量的】
17.
"Money
can
buy
you
a
partner,
but
not
a
soulmate.
"
【金钱可以买到一个伴侣,但无法买到一个灵魂伴侣】
18.
"Love
is
the
currency
of
the
heart,
not
the
wallet.
"
【爱情是心灵的货币,不是钱包里的】
19.
"Money
can
be
a
source
of
power,
but
love
is
the
ultimate
source
of
strength.
"
【金钱可能是权力的源泉,但爱情才是力量的终极源泉】
20.
"Love
and
money
are
not
mutually
exclusive,
but
love
should
always
be
the
priority.
"
【爱情和金钱不是互相排斥的,但爱情应该始终是优先考虑的】