1.
"Nothing's
gonna
stop
us
now,
we'll
make
it
through
somehow"
【携手并进,战胜困难】
2.
"I
believe
can
fly,
believe
can
touch
the
sky"
【充满信心,追逐梦想】
3.
"Don't
stop
me
now,
I'm
having
such
a
good
time"
【勇往直前,尽情享受人生】
4.
"I'll
be
there
for
you,
when
the
rain
starts
to
pour"
【朋友相伴,不畏艰辛】
5.
"We're
all
in
this
together,
once
we
know
that
we
are,
we're
all
stars"
【团结合作,共同成就辉煌】
6.
"It's
a
beautiful
day,
don't
let
it
get
away"
【珍惜美好时光,把握当下】
7.
"You'll
never
walk
alone,
when
you
walk
through
the
storm"
【无论何时何地,我们始终不孤单】
8.
"We're
the
champions,
my
friends,
and
we'll
keep
on
fighting
till
the
end"
【勇往直前,不屈不挠,直至胜利】
9.
"I
will
always
love
you,
no
matter
what"
【深情不渝,长存不变】
10.
"A
whole
new
world,
a
new
fantastic
point
of
view"
【打开心扉,展开全新天地】
11.
"I
want
to
hold
your
hand,
want
to
hold
your
hand"
【心手相连,共赴人生路途】
12.
"Life
is
a
highway,
want
to
ride
it
all
night
long"
【人生如途,尽情奔驰,不休不止】
13.
"I'll
stand
by
you,
I'll
stand
by
you"
【守护相伴,永不离弃】
14.
"What
a
wonderful
world"
【美好绝伦,值得我们好好珍惜】
15.
"I'll
be
missing
you,
thinking
of
the
day
when
you'll
be
mine"
【思念盈心,与你共渡情缘】
16.
"Fly
me
to
the
moon,
let
me
play
among
the
stars"
【放飞自我,探索未知领域】
17.
"I
just
called
to
say
love
you"
【一声问候,蕴含满满的情感表达】
18.
"I'm
still
standing,
yeah
yeah
yeah"
【不倒不跌,昂首向前】
19.
"I've
got
the
power"
【拥有力量,创造更多不可能】
20.
"Don't
worry,
be
happy"
【放下烦恼,保持愉快的心情】