1.
"Sometimes
life
is
about
risking
everything
for
a
dream
that
no
one
can
see
but
you.
"
【motivational】
2.
"Pain
is
temporary,
but
quitting
lasts
forever.
"
【inspirational】
3.
"It's
not
the
load
that
breaks
you
down,
it's
the
way
you
carry
it.
"
【encouraging】
4.
"Life
is
tough,
but
so
are
you.
"
【uplifting】
5.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
【encouraging】
6.
"When
everything
seems
to
be
going
against
you,
remember
that
the
airplane
takes
off
against
the
wind,
not
with
it.
"
【motivational】
7.
"Be
strong,
because
things
will
get
better.
It
may
be
stormy
now,
but
it
never
rains
forever.
"
【uplifting】
8.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
"
【motivational】
9.
"Tough
times
don't
last,
tough
people
do.
"
【inspirational】
10.
"The
future
belongs
to
those
who
believe
in
the
beauty
of
their
dreams.
"
【uplifting】
11.
"Believe
in
yourself
and
all
that
you
are.
Know
that
there
is
something
inside
you
that
is
greater
than
any
obstacle.
"
【encouraging】
12.
"The
struggles
along
the
way
are
only
meant
to
shape
you
for
your
purpose.
"
【motivational】
13.
"Stay
patient
and
trust
your
journey.
"
【uplifting】
14.
"You
don't
have
to
be
great
to
start,
but
you
have
to
start
to
be
great.
"
【inspirational】
15.
"Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
"
【encouraging】
16.
"Don't
let
yesterday
take
up
too
much
of
today.
"
【uplifting】
17.
"The
harder
the
battle,
the
sweeter
the
victory.
"
【motivational】
18.
"You
are
amazing,
unique,
incomparable,
and
irreplaceable.
"
【inspirational】
19.
"Believe
you
can
and
you're
halfway
there.
"
【encouraging】
20.
"Every
great
story
on
the
planet
happened
when
someone
decided
not
to
give
up,
but
kept
going
no
matter
what.
"
【uplifting】