.jpg)
1.
冷峻的眼神下,却藏着一颗温柔的心。
【High
and
cold
eyes,
there
is
a
warm
heart.
】
2.
所有的沉默都是一种最深刻的爱,因为它不需要言语作为证明。
【All
silence
is
a
profound
love,
because
it
does
not
require
words
as
proof.
】
3.
每次看到你微笑的时候,我的心都会被治愈。
【Every
time
see
you
smile,
my
heart
is
healed.
】
4.
用眼神凝望你,让你在沉默中感受到我的爱。
【Staring
at
you
with
my
eyes
and
letting
you
feel
my
love
in
silence.
】
5.
用我的温柔抚慰你内心的伤痛,用我的坚强支撑你前行的步伐。
【I
use
my
gentleness
to
soothe
your
inner
pain
and
my
strength
to
support
your
forward
steps.
】
6.
你是我生命的阳光,也是我内心最柔软的那部分。
【You
are
the
sunshine
of
my
life,
and
also
the
softest
part
of
my
heart.
】
7.
爱不需要太多的言语,只需要默默相爱。
【Love
doesn't
need
too
much
words,
only
need
to
love
each
other
silently.
】
8.
我的爱是高贵的,但我的心是温柔的。
【My
love
is
noble,
but
my
heart
is
gentle.
】
9.
人生中最温柔的事情就是和你一起度过每一个平凡的日子。
【The
gentlest
thing
in
life
is
to
spend
every
ordinary
day
with
you.
】
10.
用一份真挚的爱治愈曾经的伤痛。
【Heal
the
wounds
of
the
past
with
a
sincere
love.
】
11.
我用行动告诉你:我的爱足以支撑你走过一生的路程。
【I
tell
you
with
my
actions:
my
love
can
support
you
through
a
lifetime.
】
12.
只有当我看到你的笑容,我才会感受到内心的宁静与满足。
【Only
when
see
your
smile,
do
feel
the
tranquility
and
satisfaction
in
my
heart.
】
13.
爱是一种力量,足以撑起一个人的整个世界。
【Love
is
a
power
that
can
support
a
person's
entire
world.
】
14.
当爱被珍视时,它的温柔便可以治愈一切伤痛。
【When
love
is
cherished,
its
gentleness
can
heal
all
wounds.
】
15.
用心去爱,用心去守护,用温柔去治愈。
【Love
with
heart,
cherish
with
heart,
heal
with
gentleness.
】
16.
爱是一种感觉,一种保护你的力量。
【Love
is
a
feeling,
a
power
that
protects
you.
】
17.
用一份真挚之爱换取你永恒的幸福。
【Exchange
your
eternal
happiness
with
a
sincere
love.
】
18.
一见到你的微笑,我的内心就被点亮了。
【As
soon
as
see
your
smile,
my
heart
is
lit
up.
】
19.
真正的爱是不需要太多言语的,只需要一份真挚的心。
【True
love
doesn't
need
too
much
words,
only
needs
a
sincere
heart.
】
20.
爱是不断成长,不断变化的力量。
只要我们心中有爱,我们便可以走得更远。
【Love
is
a
growing,
changing
power.
As
long
as
we
have
love
in
our
hearts,
we
can
go
further.
】