1.
"Will
we
be
able
to
afford
a
house?"
【家庭经济】
2.
"What
if
we
grow
apart
over
time?"
【关系变淡】
3.
"Will
we
be
able
to
balance
work
and
family
life?"
【工作与家庭】
4.
"How
will
we
handle
disagreements
and
conflicts?"
【争吵处理】
5.
"What
if
we
have
trouble
conceiving
a
child?"
【生育问题】
6.
"Will
we
be
able
to
maintain
intimacy
and
passion
in
our
marriage?"
【婚姻性生活】
7.
"What
if
one
of
us
develops
a
serious
illness?"
【健康问题】
8.
"How
will
we
handle
financial
struggles
and
unexpected
expenses?"
【财务稳定】
9.
"What
if
our
families
don't
get
along?"
【家庭关系】
10.
"Will
we
be
able
to
support
each
other
through
personal
challenges
and
hardships?"
【支持和依靠】
11.
"How
will
we
divide
household
responsibilities
and
chores?"
【家务分工】
12.
"What
if
one
of
us
loses
our
job?"
【职业不稳定】
13.
"Will
we
be
able
to
maintain
friendships
outside
of
our
marriage?"
【社交圈子】
14.
"What
if
we
have
different
beliefs
or
values?"
【价值观不同】
15.
"How
will
we
handle
societal
pressures
and
expectations
of
marriage?"
【社会压力】
16.
"What
if
one
of
us
wants
to
pursue
a
different
career
or
life
path?"
【个人理想追求】
17.
"Will
we
be
able
to
keep
the
romance
alive
after
many
years
of
marriage?"
【长期婚姻关系】
18.
"What
if
one
of
us
develops
an
addiction
or
destructive
habit?"
【成瘾问题】
19.
"How
will
we
continue
to
grow
and
evolve
as
individuals
while
still
maintaining
a
strong
marriage?"
【个人发展与婚姻】
20.
"What
if
something
unexpected
happens
that
we
can't
predict
or
plan
for?"
【不可预测的情况】