1.
"He
may
be
a
criminal,
but
he's
also
a
loyal
friend.
"
【友情与罪恶并存】
2.
"I
don't
condone
his
actions,
but
he's
always
been
there
for
me.
"
【默许罪行的友谊】
3.
"He's
made
some
mistakes,
but
who
hasn't?"
【过错与罪名交织的朋友】
4.
"I
know
he's
not
perfect,
but
he's
still
my
friend.
"
【认识一个不完美的罪恶伙伴】
5.
"The
dark
side
of
him
is
just
another
part
of
who
he
is.
"
【黑暗面让他变得更完整】
6.
"I
won't
judge
him
for
his
choices,
but
won't
make
them
for
myself
either.
"
【不评价他的决定,但也不会跟着他走】
7.
"He's
had
a
tough
life
and
sometimes
does
what
he
needs
to
survive.
"
【生活艰难,罪行是为生存】
8.
"Just
because
someone's
done
bad
things
doesn't
mean
they
can't
be
good
to
you.
"
【做错事不等于对你做坏事】
9.
"He's
made
some
questionable
decisions,
but
he's
still
a
human
being
with
feelings.
"
【决策可疑,情感依然真实】
10.
"People
like
him
are
often
the
most
misunderstood.
"
【如此的人往往被误解】
11.
"His
reputation
may
be
tarnished,
but
that
doesn't
mean
he's
not
worth
knowing.
"
【声名狼藉不代表不值得相处】
12.
"We've
shared
some
crazy
times
together
and
he's
always
had
my
back.
"
【疯狂时刻一同度过,他依然支持我】
13.
"He's
not
a
monster,
just
someone
who's
made
some
bad
choices.
"
【不是怪兽,只是犯了一些错】
14.
"I
may
not
agree
with
his
actions,
but
can
still
appreciate
his
good
qualities.
"
【不认同他的行为,依然欣赏他的优点】
15.
"He's
rough
around
the
edges,
but
that's
part
of
what
makes
him
interesting.
"
【有点粗糙,这也是他迷人的地方】
16.
"I've
seen
him
do
some
shady
things,
but
he
always
has
a
good
reason.
"
【曾见他干过一些不光彩的事情,但他总有正当理由】
17.
"It's
not
easy
being
friends
with
someone
who's
constantly
breaking
the
law.
"
【跟一个不断违法的人成为朋友不容易】
18.
"I
don't
like
all
of
his
associates,
but
he's
different.
"
【不喜欢他的所有朋友,但他不同】
19.
"He's
got
a
lot
of
flaws,
but
he's
still
someone
admire.
"
【有很多缺点,却依然令我敬佩】
20.
"Some
people
just
have
a
different
moral
code,
that
doesn't
make
them
bad
friends.
"
【有些人有不同的道德准则,但并不代表不能成为朋友】