1.
“Life
is
too
short
to
waste.
”
【悟】
2.
We
should
strive
to
make
the
most
out
of
every
moment
we
have.
【积极】
3.
Regrets
are
a
waste
of
time
and
energy.
【后悔】
4.
Don’t
be
afraid
to
take
risks
and
try
new
things.
【勇敢】
5.
Failure
is
not
the
end,
it’s
simply
a
stepping
stone
towards
success.
【失败】
6.
Surround
yourself
with
positive
people
who
inspire
you
to
be
your
best
self.
【积极影响】
7.
Learning
from
our
mistakes
is
key
to
personal
growth.
【成长】
8.
Measuring
success
solely
on
material
accomplishments
is
a
shallow
way
of
living.
【成功】
9.
Value
the
people
in
your
life
more
than
the
things
you
possess.
【人际关系】
10.
Loving
yourself
is
the
foundation
for
loving
others.
【爱】
11.
Kindness
and
empathy
can
change
the
world.
【善良】
12.
Embrace
your
unique
qualities
and
let
your
true
self
shine.
【真实自我】
13.
It’s
never
too
late
to
start
pursuing
your
dreams.
【追梦】
14.
Take
responsibility
for
your
own
happiness
and
don’t
rely
on
others
to
provide
it
for
you.
【幸福】
15.
You
have
the
power
to
choose
your
attitude
no
matter
the
circumstances.
【态度】
16.
The
best
things
in
life
are
often
free
–
nature,
laughter,
and
love.
【自然、爱、笑】
17.
You
are
capable
of
far
more
than
you
give
yourself
credit
for.
【能力】
18.
Forgiveness
is
liberating
for
both
parties
involved.
【宽恕】
19.
Focus
on
what
you
can
control
and
let
go
of
the
things
you
can’t.
【控制】
20.
Life
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
Enjoy
the
ride.
【旅程】